Oaxaca State is one of the main coffee producers in Mexico and in 2020 it obtained its second “Pluma” denomination of origin, but what does this mean? and what are the characteristics of this type of product?

Among the main characteristics that distinguish this type of 100% Oaxacan coffee is the place where it is grown, as well as the soil, humidity and altitude. Pluma coffee is a unique type of bean that is endemic to the coastal and southern highlands regions of Oaxaca. Although this type of harvest dates back generations, it was not until 2020 that this origin was registered. 

The registration of the denomination economically benefits several Oaxacan towns and thousands of producers, since in this way they can add value to their product and therefore receive better purchase offers.

A special characteristic of pluma coffee is that it is grown under shade. The ripe beans are harvested manually, taking special care to select only the fruit that is at its optimum point of maturity, which has a uniform intense red color, firm consistency and size.

The harvest cycle consists of three phases: the harvest or beginning, the intermediate and, finally, the final cut. The harvested grains are then transferred to the wet mill. The production process is carried out in a delicate methodical way and it is considered as an artisanal process.


Most of the time, Pluma coffee is derived from the Coffea arabica species. It is rich in varieties, thanks to its geographical location and territory size. The following types can be obtained from the ripe bean:

  1. Café «pergamino», a este tipo de grano se le retiran sus capas, quedándose solo con su cascarilla.
  2.  Café «bola seco», su característica principal es que es secado al sol con todas sus partes.
  3.  Café «verde lavado» en grano, es obtenido del café «pergamino» y al procesarse y sólo se queda con su cutícula.
  4. Café «verde natural» en grano, se deriva  del café «bola seco» mediante el proceso de descascarillado, quedándose solo con su cutícula.
  5. Café «tostado» en grano, es obtenido del café «verde lavado» en grano el cual, al ser procesado térmicamente pierde su  humedad y peso, adquiriendo colores siena.

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Notes: Intense, sweet, citrus, red fruits, cherry, yellow fruits, caramel, vanilla, mild spicy.

¡We want to build alliances with you!

Elochixtlán de flores magón


Notes: Intense, sweet, vanilla, bitter chocolate, spicy, caramel.

We preserve the ecosystem of the regions Let's take care of the environment!


Notes: Intense, sweet, citrus, red fruits, cherry, yellow fruits, caramel, dark chocolate, amaretto.

Do you want to be our accomplice in a socially fair job?


Notes: Intense, sweet, vanilla, bitter chocolate, spicy, caramel.

Let's be responsible partners and enjoy a good coffee


Notes: Intense, sweet, citrus, yellow fruits, cherry, vanilla, medium long, caramel, dark chocolate. Origin: Ozolotepec region, Loxicha region and Coatlán region.

Let's support the fair price, sustainability and constant improvement of producers.


Notes: Intense, sweet, citrus, red fruits, cherry, yellow fruits, caramel, vanilla, mild spicy.

Working together we will make coffee communities have a better life


¿Cómo solicitar un catálogo de muestras?

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how to do business with us?

How do we guarantee the quality of the coffee?

Los puntajes que se le otorgan a nuestro café están dados por catadores profesionales, los cuales están avalados por la certificación Q. Ésta es una equiparación internacional entre la forma de degustar café en un lugar y en otro.

¿Qué se necesita para ser un productor de Galguera Gómez?

Para ser un productor de Galguera Gómez, preferentemente se debe poseer producto de origen pluma, así como una buena calidad y cuidado en el grano.

Santos Reyes Nopala (Finca La Hamaca)

Putla de Guerrero

Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón

Peñas Negras, Juquila